The MHI is delighted to announce the success of two healing circle events that were accompanied by UnidosNOW, LatinX chambers, Cheeko Matsusaka and Dan
Anthon. The MHI strives to advocate the importance of mental health and unplugging our
electronic devices to unwind and disengage from school and work life. Quality time with the
people in your life is important, and there is no app for that. To encourage and demonstrate
the benefits of these practices, MHI hosted healing circles to help participants experience
the powerful benefits of social support by providing people with mindfulness exercises
and art journaling. In this pandemic time of social distancing, the ability to gather with others through ZOOM or practicing social distance in-person to support each other through these uncertain, stressful, and often isolating months is critically important.
The first healing circle event was held on October 7th involved Zumba activities and a session on breathing exercises and meditation. Rebeca Forero, leader and Co-founder of Blue tie organization, helped facilitate dancing workouts where participants were taught how to shuffle and break it down while simultaneously training certain parts of the body that
are not normally used in everyday motion. The second healing circle was
held on October 22nd. During this event, guest Cheeko Matsusaka, Cello instrumentalist and Dan Anthon, art therapist facilitated art journaling. Folks participated through ZOOM and in-
person workshops to create art while listening to the beautiful strings of the Cello.