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Future Pharmacist Needs Our Support

By:Jakobie Green and Lisa Merritt MD

My name is Jakobie Green, and I am a recent graduate from Booker High School, and a current freshman at Duquesne University. My planned major of study is pharmacy, my reasoning for choosing pharmacy is because I see the gaps within education, medicine and healthcare. I want to help mend these disparities by becoming a role model for those who are also looking to pursue the same career. In addition, I continue to find ways to stay active within my community although I am not physically there. Being a life-long learner and student allows me to continuously grow, and I am extremely grateful for the many people who support me and appreciate your continued support.

Note from Dr. Merritt-MHI is assisting with a fundraising drive to help Jakobie raise needed cash for books, living expenses and supplies. He lost his grandmother who raised him last semester, however is pressing on and doing well with a heavy science course load. We are asking for people to pitch in and help him with a starting goal of at least $1,000 for incidentals like clothes, books, summer coursework, travel and food. MHI helps our scholars with books, equipment, travel, tuition and whatever expenses needed to succeed. Help us help Jakobie and others like him realize their lofty goals. Make a donation today and please remember to help us match the most we can during the GIving Partner Challenge April 26, 2022.

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